Monday, October 29, 2012

Importance of Xpath in Automation for identifying web elements

Xpath is known as the navigation through the html syntax of a webpage to identify a particular element

Identifying Web Elements:
Any web element in an application will be assigned with an identifier. The web elements will have attributes as well as the identifiers listed below
1. ID
2. Name
3. Class

With the above identifiers elements can be identified and can be automated to perform certain set of actions

Reasons to go with Xpath:
1. Some complex applications like AJAX, GWT will dynamically create some identities for the web elements where the identification becomes difficulty during the automation of an application.

2. In certain scenarios there may be situations where different web elements have same Name and ID even. where it becomes difficult for any automation tool to perform the actions given.

In above scenarios the alternate solution is "Xpath"

*Xpath is the way of identifying the web elements uniquely.*

Approaches for Xapth:

For more details:

What Regular Expression?

A regular expression is a pattern that can match various text strings, used for validations.

Where and when to use Regular Expression?
It can be used in the programming languages which supports or has regular expression class as in built or it supports third party regular expression libraries.

Regular expressions can be used to valid different type of data without increase the code with if and case conditions. A number of if conditions can be omitted with single line of regular expression checking.

Benefits of Regular Expression:
The following are benefits (not all included) of use of Regular Expression.
a) # line of code can be reduced.
b) Speed Coding.
c) Easy maintenance (you don’t need to change if validation criteria changes, just check the regular expression string).
d) Easy to understand (you don’t need to understand the programmer logic on large if statements and case statements).

Elements of Regular Expression:
Here are the basic elements of regular expression characters/literals, which can be used to build big regular expressions:

^ ---->Start of a string.
$ ---->End of a string.
. ----> Any character (except \n newline)
{...}----> Explicit quantifier notation.
[...] ---->Explicit set of characters to match.
(...) ---->Logical grouping of part of an expression.
* ---->0 or more of previous expression.
+ ---->1 or more of previous expression.
? ---->0 or 1 of previous expression; also forces minimal matching when an expression might match several strings within a search string.
\ ---->Preceding one of the above, it makes it a literal instead of a special character. Preceding a special matching character, see below.
\w ----> matches any word character, equivalent to [a-zA-Z0-9]
\W ----> matches any non word character, equivalent to [^a-zA-Z0-9].
\s ----> matches any white space character, equivalent to [\f\n\r\v]
\S----> matches any non-white space characters, equivalent to [^\f\n\r\v]
\d ----> matches any decimal digits, equivalent to [0-9]
\D----> matches any non-digit characters, equivalent to [^0-9]

\a ----> Matches a bell (alarm) \u0007.
\b ----> Matches a backspace \u0008 if in a [] character class; otherwise, see the note following this table.
\t ---->Matches a tab \u0009.
\r ---->Matches a carriage return \u000D.
\v ---->Matches a vertical tab \u000B.
\f ---->Matches a form feed \u000C.
\n ---->Matches a new line \u000A.
\e ---->Matches an escape \u001B

$number ----> Substitutes the last substring matched by group number number (decimal).
${name} ----> Substitutes the last substring matched by a (? ) group.
$$ ----> Substitutes a single "$" literal.
$& ----> Substitutes a copy of the entire match itself.
$` ----> Substitutes all the text of the input string before the match.
$' ----> Substitutes all the text of the input string after the match.
$+ ----> Substitutes the last group captured.
$_ ----> Substitutes the entire input string.

(?(expression)yes|no) ----> Matches yes part if expression matches and no part will be ommited.

Simple Example:
Let us start with small example, taking integer values:
When we are talking about integer, it always has fixed series, i.e. 0 to 9 and we will use the same to write this regular expression in steps.

a) Regular expression starts with “^”
b) As we are using set of characters to be validated, we can use [].
c) So the expression will become “^[1234567890]”
d) As the series is continues we can go for “-“ which gives us to reduce the length of the expression. It becomes “^[0-9]”
e) This will work only for one digit and to make it to work for n number of digits, we can use “*”, now expression becomes “^[0-9]*”
f) As with the starting ending of the expression should be done with “$”, so the final expression becomes “^[0-9]*$”

Note: Double quotes are not part of expression; I used it just to differentiate between the sentences.

Is this the way you need to write:
This is one of the way you can write regular expression and depending on the requirements and personal expertise, regular expression could be compressed much shorter, for example above regular expression could be reduced as.

a) Regular expression starts with “^”
b) As we are checking for the digits, there is a special character to check for digits “\d”
c) And digits can follow digits , we use “*”
d) As expression ends with “$”, the final regular expression will become

Digits can be validated with different ways of regular expressions:

1) ^[1234567890]*$
2) ^[0-9]*$
3) ^\d*$

Which one to choose?
Every one of above expressions will work in the same way, choose the way you are comfort, it is always recommended to have a smaller and self expressive and understandable, as these will effect when you write big regular expression.

Example on exclude options:
There are many situation which demands us to exclude only certain portion or certain characters,
Eg: a) Take all alpha numeric and special symbols except “&”
b) Take all digits except “7”
then we cannot prepare a big list which includes all instead we use the symbol of all and exclude the characters / symbols which need to be validated.
Eg: “^\w[^&]*$” is the solution to take all alpha numeric and special symbols except “&”.

Other Examples:
a) There should not be “1” as first digit,?
^[^1]\d*$ ? this will exclude 1 as first digit.

b) There should not be “1” at any place?
^\d[^1]*$ ? this will exclude the 1 at any place in the sequence.

Note: Here ^ operator is used not only to start the string but also used to negate the values.

Testing of Regular expression:
There are several ways of testing this:
a) You can write a windows based program.
b) You can write a web based application.
c) You can even write a service based application.

Database Testing – Practical Tips and Insight on How to Test Database

Database is one of the inevitable parts of a software application these days. It does not matter at all whether it is web or desktop, client server or peer to peer, enterprise or individual business, database is working at backend. Similarly, whether it is healthcare of finance, leasing or retail, mailing application or controlling spaceship, behind the scene a database is always in action.

Moreover, as the complexity of application increases the need of stronger and secure database emerges. In the same way, for the applications with high frequency of transactions (e.g. banking or finance application), necessity of fully featured DB Tool is coupled.

Currently, several database tools are available in the market e.g. MS-Access2010, MS SQL Server 2008 r2, Oracle 10g, Oracle Financial, MySQL, PostgreSQL, DB2 etc.  All of these vary in cost, robustness, features and security. Each of these DBs possesses its own benefits and drawbacks. One thing is certain; a business application must be built using one of these or other DB Tools.

Before I start digging into the topic, let me comprehend the foreword. When the application is under execution, the end user mainly utilizes the ‘CRUD’ operations facilitated by the DB Tool.

C: Create – When user ‘Save’ any new transaction, ‘Create’ operation is performed.
R: Retrieve – When user ‘Search’ or ‘View’ any saved transaction, ‘Retrieve’ operation is performed.
U: Update – when user ‘Edit’ or ‘Modify’ an existing record, the ‘Update’ operation of DB is performed.
D: Delete – when user ‘Remove’ any record from the system, ‘Delete’ operation of DB is performed.

It does not matter at all, which DB is used and how the operation is preformed. End user has no concern if any join or sub-query, trigger or stored-procedure, query or function was used to do what he wanted. But, the interesting thing is that all DB operations performed by user, from UI of any application, is one of the above four, acronym as CRUD.

As a database tester one should be focusing on following DB testing activities:

What to test in database testing:
1) Ensure data mapping:
Make sure that the mapping between different forms or screens of AUT and the Relations of its DB is not only accurate but is also according to design documents. For all CRUD operations, verify that respective tables and records are updated when user clicks ‘Save’, ‘Update’, ‘Search’ or ‘Delete’ from GUI of the application.
2) Ensure ACID Properties of Transactions:
ACID properties of DB Transactions refer to the ‘Atomicity’, ‘Consistency’, ‘Isolation’ and ‘Durability’. Proper testing of these four properties must be done during the DB testing activity. This area demands more rigorous, thorough and keen testing when the database is distributed.
3) Ensure Data Integrity:
Consider that different modules (i.e. screens or forms) of application use the same data in different ways and perform all the CRUD operations on the data. In that case, make it sure that the latest state of data is reflected everywhere. System must show the updated and most recent values or the status of such shared data on all the forms and screens. This is called the Data Integrity.
4) Ensure Accuracy of implemented Business Rules:
Today, databases are not meant only to store the records. In fact, DBs have been evolved into extremely powerful tools that provide ample support to the developers in order to implement the business logic at DB level. Some simple examples of powerful features of DBs are ‘Referential Integrity’, relational constrains, triggers and stored procedures. So, using these and many other features offered by DBs, developers implement the business logic on DB level. Tester must ensure that the implemented business logic is correct and works accurately.

Above points describe the four most important ‘What Tos’ of database testing. Now, I will put some light on ‘How Tos’ of DB Testing.

How To Test Database:
1. Create your own Queries
In order to test the DB properly and accurately, first of all a tester should have very good knowledge of SQL and specially DML (Data Manipulation Language) statements. Secondly, the tester should acquire good understanding of internal DB structure of AUT. If these two pre-requisites are fulfilled, then the tester is ready to test DB with complete confidence. (S)He will perform any CRUD operation from the UI of application, and will verify the result using SQL query.
This is the best and robust way of DB testing especially for applications with small to medium level of complexity. Yet, the two pre-requisites described are necessary. Otherwise, this way of DB testing cannot be adopted by the tester.
Moreover, if the application is very complex then it may be hard or impossible for the tester to write all of the needed SQL queries himself or herself. However, for some complex queries, tester may get help from the developer too. I always recommend this method for the testers because it does not only give them the confidence on the testing they have performed but, also enhance their SQL skill.
2. Observe data table by table
If the tester is not good in SQL, then he or she may verify the result of CRUD operation, performed using GUI of the application, by viewing the tables (relations) of DB. Yet, this way may be a bit tedious and cumbersome especially when the DB and tables have large amount of data.
Similarly, this way of DB testing may be extremely difficult for tester if the data to be verified belongs to multiple tables. This way of DB testing also requires at least good knowledge of Table structure of AUT.
3. Get query from developer
This is the simplest way for the tester to test the DB. Perform any CRUD operation from GUI and verify its impacts by executing the respective SQL query obtained from the developer. It requires neither good knowledge of SQL nor good knowledge of application’s DB structure.
So, this method seems easy and good choice for testing DB. But, its drawback is havoc. What if the query given by the developer is semantically wrong or does not fulfill the user’s requirement correctly? In this situation, the client will report the issue and will demand its fix as the best case. While, the worst case is that client may refuse to accept the application.

Database is the core and critical part of almost every software application. So DB testing of an application demands keen attention, good SQL skills, proper knowledge of DB structure of AUT and proper training.
In order to have the confident test report of this activity, this task should be assigned to a resource with all the four qualities stated above. Otherwise, shipment time surprises, bugs identification by the client, improper or unintended application’s behavior or even wrong outputs of business critical tasks are more likely to be observed. 

Build Verification Testing

What is BVT?

Build Verification test is a set of tests run on every new build to verify that build is testable before it is released to test team for further testing. These test cases are core functionality test cases that ensure application is stable and can be tested thoroughly. Typically BVT process is automated. If BVT fails that build is again get assigned to developer for fix.

BVT is also called smoke testing or build acceptance testing (BAT)

New Build is checked mainly for two things:
Build validation
Build acceptance

Some BVT basics:
It is a subset of tests that verify main functionalities.
The BVT’s are typically run on daily builds and if the BVT fails the build is rejected and a new build is released after the fixes are done.
The advantage of BVT is it saves the efforts of a test team to setup and test a build when major functionality is broken.
Design BVTs carefully enough to cover basic functionality.
Typically BVT should not run more than 30 minutes.
BVT is a type of regression testing, done on each and every new build.

BVT primarily checks for the project integrity and checks whether all the modules are integrated properly or not. Module integration testing is very important when different teams develop project modules. I heard many cases of application failure due to improper module integration. Even in worst cases complete project gets scraped due to failure in module integration.

What is the main task in build release? Obviously file ‘check in’ i.e. to include all the new and modified project files associated with respective builds. BVT was primarily introduced to check initial build health i.e. to check whether – all the new and modified files are included in release, all file formats are correct, every file version and language, flags associated with each file.
These basic checks are worth before build release to test team for testing. You will save time and money by discovering the build flaws at the very beginning using BVT.
Which test cases should be included in BVT?
This is very tricky decision to take before automating the BVT task. Keep in mind that success of BVT depends on which test cases you include in BVT.

Here are some simple tips to include test cases in your BVT automation suite:
Include only critical test cases in BVT.
All test cases included in BVT should be stable.
All the test cases should have known expected result.
Make sure all included critical functionality test cases are sufficient for application test coverage.

Also do not includes modules in BVT, which are not yet stable. For some under-development features you can’t predict expected behavior as these modules are unstable and you might know some known failures before testing for these incomplete modules. There is no point using such modules or test cases in BVT.
You can make this critical functionality test cases inclusion task simple by communicating with all those involved in project development and testing life cycle. Such process should negotiate BVT test cases, which ultimately ensure BVT success. Set some BVT quality standards and these standards can be met only by analyzing major project features and scenarios.

Example: Test cases to be included in BVT for Text editor application (Some sample tests only):
1) Test case for creating text file.
2) Test cases for writing something into text editor
3) Test case for copy, cut, paste functionality of text editor
4) Test case for opening, saving, deleting text file.
These are some sample test cases, which can be marked as ‘critical’ and for every minor or major changes in application these basic critical test cases should be executed. This task can be easily accomplished by BVT.

BVT automation suits needs to be maintained and modified time-to-time. E.g. include test cases in BVT when there are new stable project modules available.

What happens when BVT suite run: Say Build verification automation test suite executed after any new build.
1) The result of BVT execution is sent to all the email ID’s associated with that project.
2) The BVT owner (person executing and maintaining the BVT suite) inspects the result of BVT.
3) If BVT fails then BVT owner diagnose the cause of failure.
4) If the failure cause is defect in build, all the relevant information with failure logs is sent to respective developers.
5) Developer on his initial diagnostic replies to team about the failure cause. Whether this is really a bug? And if it’s a bug then what will be his bug-fixing scenario.
6) On bug fix once again BVT test suite is executed and if build passes BVT, the build is passed to test team for further detail functionality, performance and other testes.
This process gets repeated for every new build.

Why BVT or build fails?
BVT breaks sometimes. This doesn’t mean that there is always bug in the build. There are some other reasons to build fail like test case coding error, automation suite error, infrastructure error, hardware failures etc.
You need to troubleshoot the cause for the BVT break and need to take proper action after diagnosis.

Tips for BVT success:
1) Spend considerable time writing BVT test cases scripts.
2) Log as much detailed info as possible to diagnose the BVT pass or fail result. This will help developer team to debug and quickly know the failure cause.
3) Select stable test cases to include in BVT. For new features if new critical test case passes consistently on different configuration then promote this test case in your BVT suite. This will reduce the probability of frequent build failure due to new unstable modules and test cases.
4) Automate BVT process as much as possible. Right from build release process to BVT result – automate everything.
5) Have some penalties for breaking the build   Some chocolates or team coffee party from developer who breaks the build will do.

BVT is nothing but a set of regression test cases that are executed each time for new build. This is also called as smoke test. Build is not assigned to test team unless and until the BVT passes. BVT can be run by developer or tester and BVT result is communicated throughout the team and immediate action is taken to fix the bug if BVT fails. BVT process is typically automated by writing scripts for test cases. Only critical test cases are included in BVT. These test cases should ensure application test coverage. BVT is very effective for daily as well as long term builds. This saves significant time, cost, resources and after all no frustration of test team for incomplete build.